That's what

The shortened version of That's what she said (aka TWSS), for use when in a professional setting. The benefit of saying "that's what" is that people who understand TWSS jokes will naturally fill in the implied "she said" whereas others will think nothing of the statement. Using "that's what" is superior to TWSS for three reasons. It's shorter to blurt out and therefore wittier (the "twiss" pronunciation is hardly understood yet), it's ambiguous and may refer to that's what he said without thinking about it beforehand, and it allows the user to easily brush it off as an accidental exclamation or the beginning of another sentence. May also occur accidentally at work or school after a weekend bachelor/bachelorette party where "That's what she said" jokes run rampant and the speaker catches themselves before the full phrase comes out.
On this page, you will find 30 slang terms related to That's what. Some of the top words include: any who, Zat, insanity, Der, paradox, and 25 more.